Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Happy Birthday, dear sister

I have but one sibling. My sister, L. She's two and a half years older than I. What's really amazing is that we have never squabbled, argued or fussed as typical siblings do. We don't always see eye-to-eye, but that's OK. And because that's OK it makes our dynamic that much more special.

Happy 39... oops... OK, I promise not to tell everyone NEXT YEAR that it's 40!

To another great year ahead, dear sister, wife and mom.


Sarah Elaine said...

Happy birthday to L!

NEVER squabbled with your sibling? Wow...

Anonymous said...

Happy b-day to your sis!

About Me

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Calgary, Alberta, Canada
English student, Pottery enthusiast, Yoga novice and lover of all people. I make friends over a warm handshake and a beverage. I discover, every day, someone willing to help me along my path.