Sunday, March 22, 2009

Think warm thoughts

Spring has sprung, the grass is riz, I wonder where the shovel is?

Ah, Spring in Calgary at 5:30 in the morning!


Anvilcloud said...

Snow here this morning too, but not as much.

Anna Scott Graham said...

ooohhh... that's a chilling spring!

glad the loo's repaired! and I like the new look of the blog... :)))

Jenn said...

*sigh* it's freezing here too, in Buffalo, as expected this time of year.

(I tried putting my cream in before the coffee, and decided that's not for me.)

Janice Seagraves said...

Burr, that looks very cold.

It's spring here, but we had rain today.

Doozie said...

The shovel is clanking against your skull because you don't listen to my good, sound advice....yeehawwwww

About Me

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Calgary, Alberta, Canada
English student, Pottery enthusiast, Yoga novice and lover of all people. I make friends over a warm handshake and a beverage. I discover, every day, someone willing to help me along my path.