Sunday, January 01, 2012


It's the new year - which also happens to be my house number.

In a conversation around the table tonight at my friend S.'s, we pondered this whole business of the proposed world end on what, December 21? When I queried the group about the significance of my house number being the same, they figured it made sense that mine would be the first to go.

Hmm... a little far-fetched, if you ask me.

My horoscope today reads:

"Your thinking is so far forward that some may have a hard time coming to terms with it. Don’t despair! You should be able to convince at least one influential person that yours is the best plan. You’re not a natural-born leader, but when called on today you’ll do what needs to be done. You’ll see the results somewhere other than your bottom line, at least for now. The pay off is in more valuable currency than money."

I've heard worse.

A few hours shut-eye, then I'm off to New Years Day brunch! Photos will follow, and if we're lucky I'll write a year-in-review post soon.

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About Me

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Calgary, Alberta, Canada
English student, Pottery enthusiast, Yoga novice and lover of all people. I make friends over a warm handshake and a beverage. I discover, every day, someone willing to help me along my path.